Cryogenic Electronic Microscopy


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1. Protein Production



We offer prokaryotic, insect, and mammalian cell expression systems for diverse research needs. Purified proteins are ready for electron microscopy sample prep. Rapid freezing prevents ice crystals, preserving sample structure.


We offer prokaryotic, insect, and mammalian cell expression systems for diverse research needs. Purified proteins are ready for electron microscopy sample prep. Rapid freezing prevents ice crystals, preserving sample structure.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros. Quisque quis euismod lorem. Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum.

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2. Cryo-EM Resolution


图像解析度受电子波长影响。电子的波长与其能量成反比,能量越高波长越短, 图像的解析度就越高。

As the accelerating voltage (V) increases, the wavelength (λ) of the electrons decreases. By manipulating the accelerating voltage, researchers can control the wavelength of the electrons, which in turn affects the resolution and other imaging characteristics in TEM.

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Scanning EM (120kV)


Negative staining electron microscopy enhances sample contrast for electron microscopy imaging. This rapid technique produces high-contrast images, ideal for initial particle screening.

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Cryo-EM (300kV)


The 300kV electron beam, accelerated and focused, penetrates thicker samples due to its high energy. This high voltage minimizes radiation damage, preserving sample integrity.

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3. Single Particle Analysis (SPA)


2D Particle Selection


Individual particles are extracted from the preprocessed images. Then, 2D classification groups these particle images based on their shared features.

3D Re-construction


SPA algorithms combine multiple 2D projections to generate a 3D structural model of the biological sample. This initial model is then refined through noise reduction, resolution enhancement, and structural detail optimization.

Data Regeneration


SPA algorithms require specialized structural computation knowledge, with results varying by algorithm. Our proprietary method can reconstruct 3D electron density data for structural determination.

4. Models Building



We construct detailed protein structure models from electron density maps through a multi-step process: analyzing map features, locating main and side chains, fitting amino acid sequences with software, refining the model, and validating the structure. This meticulous approach establishes a robust foundation for further structural and functional analyses.

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